I am a survivor of Sexual Assault and Domestic Violence

I have something to ask.

Have you ever truly been naked? Today fully clothed I am naked in front of my peers and family. I have no cover to clothe myself. All I have is this truth. And many will judge. But if me being naked makes this world safer for my niece and any other potential victim; then I will be naked. I will bare that storm as bare as the day I was born into this world.

I am naked. But I will stand with my head held high with a sway in my hips and a smile spread across my face. I am free. And that will remain. 
I was raped. I was molested. I was strangled. I was engaged to a man that was 24 when I was 16. I was in love but I was abused. My life was threatened by family members. I have lived my life in fear. I was scared that if I told this truth that it would be the end of my life. But today I stand in the face of that fear. And I will tell the truth. I’ve heard that snitches get stiches but did you know keeping a secret for 10 years could ruin your very existence? That is why I spoke up today.
I have been a primary victim of sexual assault. A primary and secondary victim of domestic violence.
I was raped by my best friend and I forgave him. But rape is rape and no one deserves to go through what I have experienced. 
It’s a cold world. But love makes it warmer. So that is why I told. Out of love for the next generation. May you be so bold to speak your truth. God bless y’all.

Kayonna Bréjon Smith

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